Yes! Yes it is me! I'm still not dead! yaaaaay
But in more music-relevant news: I've decided that the real reason I haven't been writing music these days is myself. I'm super rusty and every time I start a project I fail to finish it because I stop liking the way it sounds.
In the last year or so I've also learned a hell of a lot about mixing, and realised that I've been doing it wrong since day one... and I want to use those skills. So I'm publicly issuing myself a challenge (although admittedly I know not many of you still look at my page due to inactivity). The challenge is this:
I will, regardless of quality, publish at least 2-3 songs before the end of the year. I have to release at least one of them on August 31. I have no idea what they will sound like. I'm using a DAW I've never used to write music before. I don't have any of the sound libraries or plugins that I used to. My MIDI keyboard has fried a circuit or something and has a 1/2 second delay. It will probably be a whole bunch of layered presets. But that's all ok, and I'll still try to make them as good as I can. I will also post updates, because it will help me feel pressured to actually do this.
You can help, and it's super easy: just comment on this post. That's it. It doesn't even matter what you say. If you want to go the extra mile, then comment on my updates too. Why? Because if I see people have actually read this, then it means I really have issued this challenge to myself publicly and I can't just forget about it in a month or two.
Now please excuse me while I bash my keyboard repeatedly until something pretty comes out
- Who am I again?
Hey, long time no see. How have you been otherwise?
Yeah, no kidding! I've been good. Lots of changes over the last year, but that's what it is. Yourself?