Holy man.
So there's been some significant progress this week. I have something I actually like at this point, but it's definitely a process of trying to remember how to write music again. So far there's kind of an intro/verse-y kind of section and a chord prog that I'd like to use for a chorus. Still on the fence about whether to do vocals, so I'll probably have to decide based on whether I can come up with half decent lyrics. And, as advertised, I'm basically just using slightly modified presets for everything and frankly it doesn't sound phenomenal... but it's a start.
Also got a new job doing audio tech this week, so suddenly I have to work around a 9-5 schedule again - which is certainly not going to make this any easier. But I'm still gunning for that August 31 release for the first track, and the whole point of doing this was to get myself back into the swing of producing music despite life's many excuses.
I guess that's week #1. I haven't given up yet, so maybe there's hope for me still.
- Obligatory Snow or something