Very professional.
You've already heard a little bit from me on this, but I figured I'd review and put a couple new things out there. Excellent mastering work... it sounds like you might have done some work in that department in the last couple days. Sounds brilliant.
Sounds much better with the new ending. Doesn't feel out of place any more. Nice work on that.
Honestly, I would never be able to tell the difference, in terms of quality, between this and just about any of the music in this genre made by people who make a living off of it.
Just trying to think of something I can suggest for you... It's difficult, I have to say. ...I think it's at the point now where I have to get picky about the finer details.
I have absolutely no mastery in this topic at all, just as a forewarning. But it has to do with fine-tuning your patches to a level bordering on insanity. The music might sound unique and recognizable as "Mjattie's music", but the sound of the instruments and patches - their attitude, as you will - still seems generic. Getting to have that "attitude" in the sounds is something that I'm not sure I'll ever master with elecronic music, so I don't have much in the way of specifics. Just something I think you should start working towards, if you haven't already.
There's only one thing about this that I've managed to figure out. Try playing with the "expression" wheel on you NN-XT's. It took me quite some time to figure out what it actually does, because the effect is so tiny. But on the overall music, it has a massive effect. Just like a lot of the smaller details I know I have yet to discover. Experiment with things that you've ignored before, and figure out exactly what they do. Then use that to give it that final polish. (Just a tip: using the expression wheel on the NN-XT seems to use up a fair amount of CPU for some reason. So just be careful with it... btw, try experimenting with "breath control" and "aftertouch" as well.)
Don't worry at all about the criticizm. Seriously, there are only a handful of people who are any good with that, and I am certainly not one of those people XD. ...You'll probably hear more about that in upcoming reviews of mine, especially as I work on that aspect myself. You've reached the next tier of music, my friend.
10/10, 5/5, favs... Btw, I like the name ;D lol
Power to you, Mjattie!