I make music!

Ian Jarvey @ObsidianSnow

Age 32, Male



Joined on 2/14/09

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ObsidianSnow's News

Posted by ObsidianSnow - September 30th, 2010

So I'm getting my Music degree.

This means a couple things:

1) My submissions here will probably start sounding a lot better pretty quickly as I learn about all the stupid mistakes I've been making until now. This is good news for you and your lovely ears.

3) I accept PayPal donations now! My address there is "os.obsidiansnow@gmail.com" without the quotes or spaces. You're a wonderful person, and so you should help me pay for my gas! :D <3 ...and in case you didn't realize... yes, this is good news for you, because you can finally show me how much you love me in a way that does more than make me feel warm and fuzzy - but one that makes you feel that way too, and that funds me in my music career! HUZZAH!


Much love to all you fantastic people out there.
Power to you, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (Obsidian Snow)

Posted by ObsidianSnow - March 8th, 2010

Exile 4 is now out and being viewed everywhere! This has been one of those background projects I did that kept me from releasing regular things to the AP, but it's been worth it, so take a look.

Check it out, leave a review, and if you like the music, watch my page for the soundtrack! (I'll be releasing it later ;P )

(on a side note, FABT is currently in a frozen state, but work will continue on it at a later date... no rhyme intended.)

Power to you, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (ObsidianSnow)

Posted by ObsidianSnow - June 9th, 2009

I finished a new song recently, and it might very well be worth your time to listen to it. It has had an effect on me like nothing else I have ever heard, and I genuinly believe that there are those of you who will find something life-altering in it as well.

And so the link will sit on this page in this somewhat obscure corner of the internet, waiting for the wounded to find comfort in the Song For The Lonely Heart.

Be healed.
- Ian Jarvey ( Obsidian Snow )

Posted by ObsidianSnow - May 28th, 2009

Awesome stuff has been happening. After our release of "Of Softest Rain", Mjattie and myself decided to make another collab (much to many people's excitement, it would seem). You can find it here:


Please enjoy, review, vote, DL, and tell your friends about this! ...Yes, that was a blatant plea for publicity. But if nothing else, please enjoy the music. After all, that's what it's really all about.

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks to all, and keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)

Posted by ObsidianSnow - May 7th, 2009

Mjattie and I have finished the collab project!

Check it out here: Of Softest Rain

---EDIT (May 13 /09) - [ Of Softest Rain hit the top 5 today - Thanks Newgrounds! ]-EDIT---
---EDIT (May 20 /09) - [ Of Softest Rain is #4 of all time! Thanks again, Newgrounds! ]-EDIT---

On a side note about the RPG, it's coming nicely - I've been working mostly on the storyboarding and scripts (it's very story-intensive). My bud Kulg is helping me out with getting voice actors for the characters as well, which is a great help to me. Hopefully I can finish the scripts before the potential actors lose interest... o _o

There are some other (more secretive) things going on, too. But those, of course, are not to be disclosed to the general public at this time. ;D Just keeping you people on your toes - with me you never know what I'll do next... Unless, I guess, if you're working on it with me. And sometimes not even then.

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks to all, and keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)

Posted by ObsidianSnow - April 3rd, 2009

Just posting to those who might be interested in knowing that Mjattie and I have decided to link up and do a collab music project. It's well underway at this point, and is sounding absolutely amazing. You should be looking forward to the end product as eagerly as myself - this one's going down in the books for sure... More on that in the near future - keep your eyes open for its completion!

No comment on my RPG at the moment - but I'll try and keep giving updates nonetheless... If you don't know about it already, that's another thing to look out for - I think it very well could be one of the most original flash RPG's ever. Trust me, my older brother was amused for a hearty 15 minutes with the main menu alone. You can't even do anything except change the quality from the menu yet, so I think that's really saying something. (It has dragons, too!)

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks to all, and keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)

[OS] VS. MJATTIE - Project Underway!

Posted by ObsidianSnow - March 28th, 2009

Just finished one of my larger projects, and I'm extremely happy with how it turned out. It's called "Never Giving Up On You", and it's probably the best song I've ever completed on my computer. It's my newest baby. Check it out:

Never Giving Up On You

I really don't have anything else new and groundbreaking for now - the RPG is still coming slowly. But I'm putting a massive amount of effort into it, so it should turn out spectacularly. Unfortunately, that's probably going to be sometime this summer or later, unless I suddenly find a massive amount of free time on my hands before then. When you're not a great artist/animator/programmer, it takes a lot of time to make it look like you are - but it's really looking good despite that.

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks to all, and keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)

Project Complete! Yeah!

Posted by ObsidianSnow - March 10th, 2009

I just spent the last few hours ignoring everything and just writing music. This would be because of how inspired I felt today - I'm finally putting down my favorite song that I've ever written (I've written more than you might believe... somewhere along the lines of 40 - 50. I haven't posted everything). I started playing with some things I haven't used before, and the result is pretty spectacular. I have some pretty high hopes for how it's going to turn out... And this is a very meaningful one for me, so I'm putting in more effort than I ever have before. After only 3 or 4 hours it's just shy of 2 minutes long - and the finished product will likely be around 7 or 8 minutes. I really do love this song, and when I do eventually finish this one, I hope you'll get as much out of it as I do.

I haven't done very much with my RPG recently, so there's nothing really to talk about in that department... but it WILL be completed. I made the commitment and I won't back out, nor lose interest in it. After all, do you really think I'd be doing it if I thought it was boring? ;D

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks to all, and keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)

Posted by ObsidianSnow - February 26th, 2009

Hello again. (Even though I feel like I'm talking more to myself than anyone else... o _o)

Last couple days have been great for my RPG. I've nailed the physics of gravity perfectly - couple of linkage tweaks there and everything will actually have gravity forced upon it... and in perfect proportion to the real world (of course, when magic starts getting added, I get to bend those rules however I want. I'm looking forward to defying all natural laws of physics >=) )

I'm hoping I can get some animation done for the introduction cinematic, or maybe the teaser trailer... but I may need voice acting for that, and unfortunately, I don't have the greatest skill in that department. Especially for female voices. Damn it's hard to find girls who not only have the right sound to their voice, but also are willing to give the voice acting a shot. (If you actually are, in all unlikelyhood, reading this, maybe you can help? No pressure. Just wondering. )

I have all of tonight to work on my projects, ( Yeah! first time in weeks! ) so that's what I'll be doing.

I'll just make one comment about the note below before I finish this post - I really do need some help with this RPG. For one thing, I'm not the greatest artist nor do I have a lot of time to draw. So someone willing to help with that would be great. There are a few other things too, so as the note says, PM me if you want to help me out.

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks to all, and keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)

Posted by ObsidianSnow - February 22nd, 2009

I've been working on several new pieces recently, which oddly, I've been attempting to combine into one really diverse piece. I think because of the nature of the songs, I'll put them up both as separate parts and as the whole, making some modifications so it's different when you hear the pieces apart than when they're together... I think it's worth a shot.
Listening to one of the ambient parts as I write this... it would make a great video game loop. I'll try and get these done quickly, but there's stiil a lot of work left to do...

I've been slacking a bit on the RPG, but I try to grab every spare moment at school to work on the pseudocode, function maps, applications of real-world physics, etc., etc., etc.

That's all I have the energy to write right now... my weekend consisted of 17 hours of band camp, so I'm beat.

*If you would like to contribute to any of my projects in any way, or if you would like me to contribute to one of your projects, PM me! I'd appreciate some help, and would be glad to help you if I can.*

Thanks, and Keep rockin, Newgrounds!
- Ian Jarvey (a.k.a. Obsidian Snow)